Creating Healthy Eating Habits

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There is an abundance of information out there on what to do and what not to do when it comes to nutrition, sleep, exercise, hydration and mindfulness.

To avoid all the confusion and being overwhelmed, we have decided to put together some simple healthy habits and snacks that you can implement into your daily routine and make second nature.

How to implement healthy habits…..

  1. When eating, avoid being distracted, i.e. turn the TV off, put your phone down and take the time to enjoy your food. This will give your brain time to recognise feeling of fullness and satiety.

  2. Fibre is extremely important for promoting good bacteria in the gut, lowering cholesterol and keeping your blood glucose levels stabilised. Snack on fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds in between meals assist with increasing your fibre intake.

  3. Increase your water intake. When we are at home, we tend to drink less water, try to carry a water bottle with you wherever you go or set a water reminder app.

  4. Ensure you are getting outdoors. Take the opportunity of working from home to take a 30-60 minute walk outside.

  5. Take the time to plan each days dinner at the start of the week, so when you go shopping you know exactly what to buy. This can give some guidance in the kitchen when it's dinner time. It's great way to get the whole family involved.

  6. Avoid shopping when you are hungry, you are more than likely to over purchase produce and buy unnecessary snacks.

  7. Make sleep a priority! If you are feeling tired, let yourself rest. Aim for 7-9 hours. Lack of sleep <6 hours per night can increase hunger hormones, leading you to crave more sugar and carbohydrates.

  8. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many changes changes at once. Implement habits and changes slowly, you will commit to these long term. 

Healthy Snacks:

  • 4 x Vita Wheat Crackers with Avocado and tomato slices

  • Natural Greek yoghurt with cinnamon and berries

  • Fruit Salad

  • 40g of hummus/ eggplant dip/ tzatziki with baby cucumbers and carrots

  • 2 x wholegrain rice cakes with ricotta and smoked salmon

  • Smoothie with reduced fat milk , frozen berries, chia seeds, cinnamon and ice

  • Small tin of tuna with mixed beans

  • 2 boiled eggs